Dreams Are Weird

So I've noticed some recurring themes in my dreams.

i used to dream journal. i still do occasionally, just not as often. this has had a lasting impact on me; i remember my dreams. often. for a very long time.

i enjoy it thoroughly, so i thought id talk about some of the recurring themes ive noticed.

without further ado...

i think one of the most common themes is when my dreams take place in a video game that i like.

most of the time its something i've spent a lot of time in; games like minecraft, warframe, terraria, portal, and hollow knight

but what does it mean? absolutely jack-shit. it has no meaning, i just enjoy those games. don't read into it.

what you SHOULD read into is this next one. I have a lot of dreams that end in an explosion. sometimes aware of it. sometimes im completely oblivious until the sky goes black (it does not do that in real life) and i see a giant mushroom cloud outside. that and the searing hot shockwave are also usually the last things i see before i wake up in a hot flash. i' dont know much in life but im fairly sure this one symbolizes anxiety and unescapable change. i think this because it usually happens when im worrying about something really hard.

enough of that. its kinda a downer. most of these are but thats beside the point. another big one for me are places that inspire fear in me. places like non euclidean spaces, the backrooms, and north korea. usually when i have these dreams im either trying to escape or just exploring.

you may be thinking, aster, are there any good recurring themes in your dreams? no, not really. speaking of, another one of my themes is people getting shot. this is actually one of my most upsetting themes. it scares the shit out of me; makes me freeze up.

so this next one is kind of personal and I have mixed feelings about it. it's one of my ex-friends appearing. the fall out was actually kind of recent, and I've been having nightmares about her ever since. basically, she'll just appear out of nowhere and I'll completely freeze up as she approaches me. usually she actually ends up being nice, if she's actually there and I'm not just looking for her. i don't know if you noticed, but I really fucking miss her. she meant a lot to me, but i suppose the only way left to move is forward. thankfully, it doesn't happen as often so I'm spared the mini-nightmare now